Asset Allocation

Asset allocation and management decisions are perhaps the most critical factors in developing a plan to meet long-term investment and wealth objectives. Asset allocation has the potential to significantly impact a family’s balance sheet, and is core to our portfolio construction.

Using low and non-correlated assets, our portfolio asset allocations seek to increase expected return without increasing risk or, conversely, to maintain risk while increasing the potential for prospective returns. Asset class risks/returns may diverge significantly in the short-term, but we believe they are ultimately driven by economic fundamentals and have predictable long-term relationship patterns. We believe a disciplined and formal diversification program increases the odds of investment success (although it does not eliminate short-term swings).*

With our approach to asset allocation within wealth management, we employ a rigorous analytical process in evaluating a wide range of potential investment strategies tailored specifically for your particular investment objectives. To further diversify our clients portfolios, we embraced the "endowment" approach to investing, using alternatives for their potential risk dampening and diversification benefits.

At Gruver Wealth Management, we look at the big-picture asset allocation questions. For taxable investors, this means structuring the portfolio in a tax-efficient manner. Within our Envision® Plan, we can determine how much (or how little) risk you need to take to generate the cash flow you desire to maintain your lifestyle, leave a legacy for your family, and/or meet your charitable intent.

We operate in the real world, developing portfolios that pursue the true benchmark for success: meeting your unique goals. At every step, Gruver Wealth Management of Wells Fargo Advisors looks beyond individual investments to consider your overall investment strategy so that no matter what the market is doing, you are properly positioned.

Asset allocation and diversification are investment methods used to help manage risk. They do not guarantee investment returns or eliminate risk of loss including in a declining market.